Collaborative Analysis Writing Assignments


  • To understand group and social psychological processes.
  • To identify and work through communication difficulties/problems.
  • To prepare four collaborative analyses, [collaborative analysis I, II, III, & IV].
  • ReadThe Social Psychology of On-line Learning Communities [pdf]

Content of Collaborative Analyses

Teams must devise a collaborative plan and complete four collaborative writing assignments. Integrate individual writing skills to form a collaborative analysis over a fifteen-week period. It is expected that the combination of individual and team writing experiences helps students learn to subdivide large tasks, synthesize different perspectives, and improve individual writing skills enabling them to form their fourth collaborative analysis (IV).
Each collaborative analysis should follow the format listed below. Collaborative analyses I-III should be no more than 15 pages. Collaborative analysis IV should be no more than 25 pages.

Title Page

Use APA style.

Team Identification

List teammate names and group identity information (e.g., team name, motto, etc.). Include this in 1st and 4th collaborative analyses only.


State the teams purpose for writing each collaborative analysis. The purpose correlates with the teams developmental stage.

Social Psychological Processes (CUP)

Identify common group processes that you are experiencing, i.e., put labels on the group behaviors you observe, e.g. social loafing, group norms (good or bad), the actor/observer effect, etc. Refer to handouts.

Group Processes (WCU)

Include sections on Tuckman's stages of team development, team goals, norms, roles, & Who to Whom Charts (See handouts).

Problems Encountered & Solutions

Describe briefly what problems you have encountered (what went wrong, not worked or is undone). Describe this process in a table format.
Explain how or when you plan to solve these problems (e.g., how you're going to get back on schedule).

Problems Dates Resolution(s) Learning Outcomes


Include references in APA style.