Introductory Collaborative Breakout Meeting

Collaborative Assignment:

Prepare for a team meeting with your team members, project guide and course instructors whereby you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the differences and similarities between collaborative and cooperative learning and to identify strategies your group will take to encourage authentic collaboration. Team Prepare - Plan on 10 Minutes.

We [The CORAL Team] will be asking team members randomly to demonstrate their understanding of the points described below. The intention of this assignment is to ensure that ALL team members have a working knowledge ofcollaborationand has discussed ways to apply this understanding in a meaningful way to your team.

Introductory Guidelines:

  • Describe collaborative learning (in your words - not the text)!
  • Describe cooperative learning (in your words - not the text)!
  • Discuss the differences and similarities between collaborative and cooperative learning;
  • Discuss why collaborative learning is more effective than cooperative learning;
  • Discuss course expectations of team members toward how much time they are willing to devote to this collaborative course;
  • Identify the strategies[i.e.Team Rules!- seeNorms!] your team will proactively use to collaborate in this course!For example---
  • Teamdevelops an attendance policy (norm) - Begin Today!.
  • Discuss the consequences team members will face when missing deadlines or if they don’t contribute enough;
  • Discuss the different expectations team members have toward each other, their relationships, and their workload;
  • Discuss why there is a natural momentum towards co-operation in groups;
  • Identify challenges your group anticipates in your quest to be collaborative;
  • Discuss how the team will encourage team members to become more collaborative.
  • Team members submitted the Jung Typology Test to PG? -Print profile & Give To PG.

This is aCollaborative assignmentand work is to be completed with team members!


To make a distinction between Collaborative and Cooperative learning! A required preliminary step in designing a collaborative working environment!


Read the following articles/chapters.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2005). A pedagogy for collaborative on-line research and learning: The CORAL model .National Society for Experiential Education Quarterly.30 (1),10-17.

Ashcraft, D. & Treadwell, T. (2008). The social psychology of on-line collaborative learning: The good, the bad, and the awkward . In Orvis, K.. & Lassiter, A. (Eds.),Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: Best Practices and Principles for Instructors. (pp. 140-163). Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing Co.

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