WCU’s Under A Rest Wins First Place in A Cappella Singing Competition
For the second year running, West Chester University’s Under A Rest took home the prize in the 2020 International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella
(ICCA) Mid-Atlantic Quarterfinals, a competition familiar to fans of the Pitch Perfect movie series.
Facing-off against 10 other groups from colleges and universities around the region, the gender inclusive a cappella group won the competition handily, and also took home the special award for Outstanding Choreography, on Saturday, February 15 in West Chester’s Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall.
West Chester U.’s High Street Harmonix, a contemporary all tenor/bass group, also competed, and won the special award for Outstanding Vocal Percussion.
Under A Rest now joins the runner-up, Lehigh University’s Melismatics, in the ICCA Mid-Atlantic Semifinals on March 21, 2020, at Delaware’s Grand Opera House.