The West Chester University Symphony Orchestra (WCUSO), one of the esteemed ensembles
at West Chester University’s Wells School of Music, will present a benefit concert
for WCU's Promise Program on Thursday, December 5, at 8:15 p.m., in the Madeleine
Wing Adler Theatre, Swope Music Building and Performing Arts Center, 817 S. High Street,
West Chester. The concert is FREE and open to the public and all proceeds from the pre-show activities will benefit
the Promise Program. For more information visit www.wcuso.org.
The WCU Promise Program is a campus support program serving unaccompanied homeless and foster youth. The program helps support students with access to year-round housing on campus including over breaks, food and supplies from the Resource Pantry, priority employment opportunities, access to scholarship funds, monthly dinners that provide mentorship and a safe space to share successes and challenges.
Wells School of Music Director of Orchestral Studies, Joseph Caminiti says, “We wanted to do something that helps others during this season of giving and receiving. The Promise Program does so much for those right here on our own campus. We, and all the students performing in this concert, are honored to support them.”
Joined by guest Stravinsky annotator Ron Thomas, WCUSO will perform Giya Kancheli’s Symphony No. 5, Gabriela Lena Frank’s Apu: Tone Poem for Orchestra and Igor Stravinsky’s Symphony in C.
In the lobby, a pre-concert reception with light food and drink begins at 7:30 p.m. Gift baskets will be raffled, WCUSO merchandise will be sold and donation bins will collect goods and supplies requested by the Promise program. A list of requested items for donation bins includes: gift cards for Amazon, Visa, Giant, Target and Wawa, new bedding and towels, socks, pillows, and coats, hats and gloves. Cash and check donations will also be accepted.
The West Chester University Symphony Orchestra is committed to serving the community through civic engagement and with innovative concert presentations that include multi-media, guest artists, and smartphone-friendly features. Presenting 5 to 6 concerts each year, the WCUSO performs standard symphonic repertoire as well as new compositions. They have performed in such celebrated venues as the Kimmel Center’s Verizon Hall. Each spring the WCUSO presents the annual Concert on the Quad for the campus and surrounding community. Collaborations with faculty and other eminent artists such as Ricardo Morales, Amy Oshiro, and Udi Bar-David and his ensemble, ARTolerance, are standard practice.