Megan Corbin
- Assistant Professor of Languages
- Email Megan Corbin
- M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
- B.A., University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Research Interests
Contemporary Latin American Literature and Culture; Southern Cone Narrative and Cultural Production; Testimonio; Human Rights; Memory Studies; Trauma Theory; Object-Oriented Philosophy; Material Culture Studies; Spectral Theory; Women’s Writing; Feminist Theory.
Recent Publications/Activities
- “Confronting History: Global South Perspectives and the Narration of Postdictatorial Urban Spaces of Memory” The Global South. Special Issue: Narrating Global South Cities, forthcoming Fall 2015.
- “The Museum of Memory: Spectral Presences and Metaphoric Re-memberings” Specters: Ghostly Hauntings and the Talking Dead in Contemporary Latin American and Iberian Narratives. Eds. Amanda Peterson and Alberto Rivas, forthcoming.
- “Controlling Contagion: The Threat of the Madman from Outer Space.” Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin American Cultures. Eds. Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini. Hispanic Issues On Line 15 (Spring 2014): 200–20. Web. url: http://hispanicissues.umn.edu/assets/doc/11_Corbin.pdf
- "Archiveras anarquistas: Corporal Testimony in the Work of Diamela Eltit." Catedral Tomada, 1:1 (2013) 1-17.
- "Neutralizing Consent: The Maternal Look and the Returned Gaze in El infarto del alma." Lucero 22 (2012)
- Martín Estudillo, Luis and Megan Corbin. “One Last Fight: Telling the Stories of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla in Twenty-First Century Spain.” Armed Resistance: Cultural Representations of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla. Ed. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones and Carmen Moreno-Nuño. Hispanic Issues On Line (Fall 2012): 232–240. Web. url: http://hispanicissues.umn.edu/assets/doc/12_AFTERWORD_002.pdf
- Co-author, Co-editor (with Luis Martín-Estudillo) "Exile, Intellectuals, and the Memory Wars." Hispanic Issues On Line Debates. Summer 2012 url: http://hispanicissues.umn.edu/online_main.html
- “(Extra)Ordinary Things: Material Objects and Mental Self-Care in Uruguayan Political Prisons.” Latin American Studies Association. Chicago, Illinois, May 2014.
- “Jóvenes pasados, presentes y futuros: Ideología, género, y lo material de la cultura urbana en La edad de oro de José Martí.” XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2013.
- “Haunted Objects: Spectral Testimony in the Latin American Post-dictatorship.” Special Session: “Mapping Hauntings in Hispanic Literatures” at the American Comparative Literature Association. Toronto, Canada. April 2013.
- “The Ship of Exile: Exposing Control Through Erotic Coding in the Poetry of Cristina Peri Rossi.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Atlanta, Georgia, November 2011.
- 2012-2013 Doctoral Dissertation Fellow, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Research Activities
- Associate Editor, Hispanic Issues and Hispanic Issues On Line
Classes Regularly Taught
- SPA301 Advanced Grammar and Composition
- SPA315 Spanish Readings
- SPA320 Cultures of Spain
- SPA330 Survey of Spanish Literature
- SPA415 Spanish Cinema
- ESP319 Cultures of Spain (English)
- ESP305 Spanish Cinema (English)