Marcos Campillo-Fenoll

Marcos Campillo-Fenoll

Research Interests

Spanish-American literature; Nineteenth-Century Spanish America; Southern Cone narrative and poetry; Cultural production; Anthologies and Canon; Literary Historiography; Translation; Service-Learning.

Recent Publications/Activities

  • Campillo-Fenoll, Marcos, and María J. Cabrera. Tu mundo: Instructor´s Resource Kit. Accompanying Book for Tu mundo. Beginning Spanish Language Textbook (Eds. Andrade, Egasse, Muñoz, and Cabrera-Puche) (Forthcoming May 2013).
  • "Imagining Male Subjects: Representing Argentinean Masculinities in Nineteenth-Century Poetry Anthologies." In Modern Argentine Masculinities. Ed. Carolina Rocha. London: Intellect (Forthcoming September, 2013)
  • "La ansiedad de la influencia: La renovada presencia de Ernest Hemingway en la escritura de Gabriel García Márquez." Revista de Estudios Colombianos 41 (2013): 38-48.
  • "Teorías de la hermandad poético-musical en el contorno nacional: la generación argentina de 1837." Revista Hispánica Moderna 62.1 (2009): 1-23.
Encyclopedia Entries

"Miguel Cané," "Juan María Gutiérrez," "Vicente Fidel López," "José Mármol," and "Bartolomé Mitre." In World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia. Eds. Salvador Oropesa and Maureen Ihrie. Greenwood Press, 2011.

Educational Media

Filmmaker, editor and participant in supplementary educational videos included in the Companion website for Spanish language textbook, Comunidades: más allá del aula (Prentice Hall, 2009). First complete curriculum for Spanish community based learning course by Professor Ann Abbott. Fall 2009.

Most Recent Conference Presentations

  • 2013 "Literary Historiography from the Margins: Erased Memories of a Chilean Canon in the Nineteenth Century.” Utah State University. March 27, 2013 (Invited talk).
  • 2013 “El "fenómeno extraño, acaso ridículo" de la mujer literata: el catálogo decimonónico como herramienta de contestación historiográfica.” XII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. March 13-15.
  • 2012 “Collected Poetry and Imagined Male Subjects: Representing Argentinean Masculinities in National Poetry Anthologies.Latin American Studies Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA. May 23-26.
  • 2011 "'A girl must, a man may if he chooses': between morality and social environment in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth and Eugenio Cambaceres' En La Sangre." AIZEN/International Conference on Worldwide Naturalism in Literature and Film. Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea. October 6-8.
  • 2011 "Forging a Poetic Canon: The Work of José Domingo Cortés and the Debates on the Foundation of a National Literature in Chile." 2011 Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 14-16.
  • 2010 "Memory, Diaspora and Collective Utopias: Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá and the Places of Historiographical Discourse." American Comparative Literature Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 1-4.
  • 2010 "The Economy of Poetry: Nation-Building and Literary Market in Nineteenth Century Latin American Anthologies." Anthologies: A Conference. Trinity College, Hartford, CT. March 12-14.

Classes Regularly Taught

  • Undergraduate: SPA 101, 102, 202, 301, 302, 331, 405
  • Graduate: SPA 535, 556
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