María José Cabrera

María José Cabrera

  • Associate Professor of Languages
  • Email María José Cabrera
  • M.A.,M.Ed., West Virginia University
  • B.A., Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Research Interests

Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, Pedagogy, Curriculum Development, Assessment & Language Proficiency, Spanish Linguistics (Pro-drop parameter in Dominican Spanish), Technology, and Acoustic Analysis.

Recent Publications/Activities


  • Co-editor, Camacho, J., Flores, N., Sánchez, L., Déprez, V., Cabrera, MJ. Romance Linguistics 2006: Selected papers from the 36th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), (2007). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • ‘Foreign Language Skills and the Use of Technology’ (2009). The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. Co-authored with Dr. Celia Esplugas.
  • ‘Quantitative, Notional, and Comprehensive Evaluations of Spontaneous Engaged Speech’ (2011). CALICO Journal, 29 (1). Co-authored with Dr. Garrett Molholt and Dr. Kumar.
  • ‘Human-Technology Interaction: Evaluations of Spontaneous Engaged Speech’ (in press). The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. Co-authored with Dr. Garrett Molholt.
  • Associate Editor for The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society (in press).


  • Member of the Review Board: Protagonistas, Vista

Classes Regularly Taught

  • All language levels
  • Phonetics
  • Spanish linguistics
  • Bilingualism
  • Methodology
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