Jason Bartles

Jason Bartles

  • Assistant Professor of Languages
  • Email Jason Bartles
  • M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park
  • B.A., Gettysburg College

Research Interests

Contemporary Latin American and U.S. Latina/o Literatures and Cultures; the Long 1960s in Latin America; Intersections of Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics in Cultural Markets; Gender and Queer Studies; Translation.

Recent Publications/Activities


  • “Juan Filloy y la alegoría errante de la torre-cueva.” Revista Iberoamericana. (Forthcoming). University of Pittsburgh, Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana.
  • “A Queer Chicana/o Ethics of Representation: Rasquache Camp in the Novels of Rechy and Luna Lemus.” Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies. 39.1 (Spring 2014): 105­–132. UCLA, Chicano Studies Research Center.
  • “Farmworkers’ Theater,” “Flor y canto,” “Rebozo,” and “Vegigantes.” Celebrating Latino Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions. Ed. Maria Herrera-Sobek. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood P, 2012. 489, 496, 975–976, 1119–1120. Print.


  • “Rasquache Camp in the Novels of John Rechy and Felicia Luna Lemus.” Latino Communities Conference 2014, “Creating Alliances Across Communities,” West Chester University, September 16, 2014.
  • “Dialogues and Monodialogues: The Pandemonic Ethics of Juan Filloy’s Vil & Vil (La gata parida).” XXXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, “LASA 2014: Democracy and Memory,” Chicago, Illinois, May 21–24, 2014.
  • “Calvert Casey’s Politics of Going Unnoticed in the Cuban Revolution.” Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute, “Radical Caribbeans/Los Caribes Radicales: Repositioning Caribbean Life,” Tulane University, October 3–5, 2013.
  • “La política de la superficie en Un retrato para Dickens de Armonía Somers.” XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, “LASA 2013: Towards a New Social Contract?” Washington, D.C., May 29–June 1, 2013.
  • “Ficciones de lo imposible: Macedonio, Emar y Saer ante el vacío.” XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, “LASA 2012: Towards a Third Century of Independence in Latin America,” San Francisco, California, May 23–26, 2012.

Pedagogical Presentations

  • “Subtitles and Live Dubbing in the Translation Classroom.” School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Showcase on Innovative Teaching, University of Maryland, College Park. April 3, 2014.
  • “LGBTQ-Friendly Language Classrooms.” Co-organized with Carolina Gómez-Montoya, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Professional Development Series, University of Maryland, College Park, April 30, 2012.
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