Megan Schoettler
Assistant Professor
Main 524
- Ph.D. English, Composition and Rhetoric. Miami University, 2022. Certificate: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- MA English, Composition and Rhetoric. Miami University, 2017
- Bachelor of Arts in English Education. York College of Pennsylvania, 2014. Minor: Literary Studies
- Feminist Rhetorics and Literacy Practices
- Professional and Technical Writing
- Composition Pedagogy
- Social Justice Activism and Advocacy
- Community-Engaged Research
- Teacher Preparation and Support
- Undergraduate Research
Selected Publications
Allison, Lydia, Salma Kalim, Christopher Maggio, and Megan Schoettler. “Making Graduate Student CER Practices Visible: Navigating the Double-Binds of Identities and Networks.” Communication Design Quarterly. Volume 11 Issue 2, June 2023.
Schoettler, Megan. “‘Make your feed work for you’: Tactics of Feminist Affective Resistance on Social Media.” Computers and Composition, vol. 67, 2022.
Schoettler, Megan. Review of Who's Laughing Now?: Feminist Tactics in Social Media, by Jenny Sundén and Susanna Paasonen. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, vol. 2 no. 3, 2021.
Schoettler, Megan and Elizabeth Saur. “Beyond ‘Good Teacher’/’Bad Teacher’: Generative Self-Efficacy as a Reframing of the Composition and Rhetoric TAship.” Standing at the Threshold: Working Through Liminality in the Composition and Rhetoric TAship, Editors William J Macauley Jr, Leslie R. Anglesey, Brady Edwards, Kathryn M. Lambrecht, and Phillip Lovas. University Press of Colorado. 2021.
Downs, Doug, Laurie McMillan, Megan Schoettler and Patricia Roberts-Miller. “Circulation: Undergraduate Research as Consequential Publicness.” Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies. Editors Dominic DelliCarpini, Jenn Fishman, and Jane Greer, Parlor Press. 2020.