Noncommercial Literature Distribution/Nonsponsored Presentations or Demonstrations

  1. On University property (outside of buildings) generally open to the public, persons may exercise their constitutionally protected rights of free expression including distribution of noncommercial literature incidental to the exercise of these rights and nonsponsored presentations or demonstrations
  2. Noncommercial literature distribution and nonsponsored presentations or demonstrations may be held anywhere on university property (outside of buildings) generally open to the public so long as they do not disrupt the normal operation of the University or infringe on the rights of other members of the University community
  3. In order that these activities not interfere with the operation of the University or the rights of others, they shall not:
    1. obstruct vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, or other traffic,
    2. obstruct entrances or exits to the buildings or driveways,
    3. interfere with educational activities inside or outside of the building,
    4. engage in any disorderly conduct as defined by applicable state and local statutes and/or ordinances,
    5. interfere with or preclude a scheduled speaker from being heard,
    6. interfere with scheduled University ceremonies or events,
    7. damage property, including but not limited to lawns, shrubs, or trees,
    8. disturb the peace as defined by applicable state and local laws, statutes, and/or ordinances, or
    9. engage in any conduct deemed to be unlawful by any applicable state and/or local law, statute, and/or ordinances
    10. use amplified sound, such as bullhorns and microphones.
  4. Students, employees, or visitors to the University whose activities interfere with the operation of the University, the rights of other members of the University community, or which violate the standards set forth in Paragraph C above will be asked by Public Safety to disperse and/or comply with this policy within a stipulated period of time. Failure to respond positively to such a request may result in arrest by Public Safety and/or disciplinary action by the University.

Definition of University Property

University property includes all real estate owned or controlled by the University, starting from the curb-edge inward, as well as sidewalks and building entrances. Public streets are controlled by the respective municipalities through their ordinances. University Avenue from the intersection of Church Street traveling west, North Campus Drive, South Campus Drive, East Campus Drive, Carey Drive, East Carey Drive, and the service road through the Gordon Environmental Center are not public streets and are considered University property.

This policy supersedes all previous Noncommercial Literature Distribution/Non-sponsored Presentations or Demonstrations policies enacted prior to this date (updated June 2017)

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