"Good to Great" with Jim Collins: The Flywheel
Description: In this 1 minute recording, Jim Collins focuses on how the research showed that it was the many little things that you and your team can do to build momentum toward greatness. Please listen, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Where have you already created greatness through your momentum? • Where are there opportunities to create future greatness and what prevents you from achieving it? How do you eliminate/reduce those barriers? • How can you help maximize the effectiveness • How can you help your supervisor(s)/team leader(s) create more momentum beyond your control? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
"Good to Great" with Jim Collins: An Overview
Description: This first 5 minute “Good to Great” video visually provides an overview of the concepts that have made “Good to Great” such a wildly popular book and business model. Countless organizations have successfully worked to emulate these concepts over time. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • How do/could you show personal humility and professional will demonstrated by Level 5 Leaders to help your team, department, and/or organization? • Who are the “right people on the bus” in your area and how can you maximize their contribution to help the organization? • What are the brutal facts facing your department or organization and what’s within your control to modify? • How can you be more disciplined in your thinking and action to be consistent with your hedgehog circles? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
"Good to Great" with Jim Collins: Level 5 Leadership
Description: This one minute video featuring Jim Collins addresses Level 5 Leadership. As background, the difference between Level 4 and Level 5 is: Level 4 leaders have their own visions of what the business needs to do to succeed. They decide on direction and then get people to implement their vision. This is what Collins refers to as "first what, then who." Level 4 leaders are very much in the conventional mode. On the other hand, Level 5 leaders are humble and can see clearly their own limitations in a complex environment. So, instead of promoting their own visions, they get their best people together and grill them with penetrating questions to draw new strategies out of them. Hence the related Collins slogan: "first who, then what." They get the best "who" into a room and together decide the best "what." This makes them participative leaders. Please listen, reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • What attributes do you have that align with Level 4? Who else do you know who exhibits Level 4 characteristics? • What attributes do you have that align with Level 5? Who else do you know who exhibits Level 5 attributes? • What impact could it have on your team, department, or organization if more Level 5 attributes were present? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
"Good to Great" with Jim Collins: The Hedgehog Concept
Description: This 2 minute video, featuring Good to Great’s Jim Collins, focuses of what’s needed for organizational greatness. We learn about The Hedgehog Concept. The essence of The Hedgehog Concept is to help an organization, over time, obtain piercing clarity, persistence, and consistency to produce the best long-term results and then exercise the relentless discipline to say “no thank you” to opportunities that fail the hedgehog test (intersection of the 3 circles is where the mission should be.) Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Looking at you, your team, department, and/or organization, what are you most passionate about? What should you be most passionate about? • Looking at you, your team, department, and/or organization, what are you best at? What could/ should you be best at? • How does what you, your team, and/or your organization does/do impact the financial viability of the organization? • Since this change happens slowly over time, what changes could you and/or your team make over time to identify and change each of these circles and more important, its intersection (Hedgehog)? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of these videos?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
7 Ways to Boost Workplace Productivity
Description: Your time is your most valuable asset, so it’s important to use it wisely. Learning to work smarter, not harder, is the key to managing productivity and making the most of your time. There are a number of things can get in the way of being our most productive self. By making simple changes in your daily habits, you can significantly improve your productivity levels. In this 13 minute webinar, we’ll take a look at 7 simple, but effective ways to optimize your work environment and boost your productivity. These strategies can also be utilized outside of the workplace, so that you can reap the benefits of productivity in all aspects of your life. The webinar features Lindsay Bishop who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
8 Strategies to Live a More Positive Life
Description: Positivity has long-term impacts on our view of ourselves, our relationships with others, and on the world. It can forever change our minds, and our bodies, in ways that greatly enhance our physical and mental well-being and the overall quality of our lives. In this 17 minute webinar, learn more about the benefits of positive thinking and 8 simple strategies to living a more positive life. Click here to view the handout for the video, which includes a recap of the 8 strategies, as well as tips to get started with each one. The webinar features Lindsay Bishop who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
8 Strategies to Maximize Email Communications
Description: Your email is a direct reflection of you. Every email you send can add to, or detract from your reputation. If your email is scattered, unorganized, and filled with mistakes, recipients may perceive you differently. The perception others have of you is critical to your success, so it's important to understand the dos and don'ts of email communications to avoid sabotaging your reputation both personally and professionally. This new 9 minute webinar outlines 8 strategies to maximize your email communications. The webinar features Lindsay Bishop who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
A Leader's Path with John Maxwell (3 Part Series)
Description: Watch international best-selling author and speaker John Maxwell’s three-week video series on his key principles: influence, impact, and income. In the first thirteen minute video, you will learn how to create a shared vision with your team and see what you can do together to make that vision come to life. In the second 15 minute video, you will learn how to create the energy that allows you to connect with others. The third 45 minute video shows how we can create influence, add value to others, and potentially increase income.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Achieving Your Highest Priority
Description: In this 35 minute pre-recorded teleseminar, learn how to best use Stephen Covey’s work to maximize your productivity, based on his best selling book, First Things First. This teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Active Listening
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on active listening, highlighting the tone, pitch, pace, eye contact, body language, gestures and facial expression. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Are Leaders Born or Made?
Description: In this 2 minute Big Think video, Rosabeth Moss Kanter of the Harvard Business School talks about innate or learned qualities that make leaders what they are. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • What circumstances most evoked your ability to lead? • How can you empower your department/team to develop their leadership skills? • How can you most maximize a positive culture that will allow you and others to develop new competencies? • What other behaviors will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Arthritis Management and Prevention
Description: In this 20 minute webinar, facilitated by Dr. Brian Shuffler, certified chiropractor, you’ll gain knowledge about the definition and mechanism of osteoarthritis, how to protect your joints, and how to get started with your journey of arthritis management and prevention.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Assembling the Performance Evaluation Puzzle
Description: In this 38 minute teleseminar, managers and supervisors will learn: (1) Why are performance reviews important, especially at this time when everyone is too busy and it’s not tied to compensation? (2) What do’s and don’t do you recommend when preparing for the review process? (3) What are the key performance dates and what general suggestions do you have to maximize each phase of the process? (4) How should I handle goals/objectives that have been added, modified or deleted during the review cycle? (5) Are self assessments required and how can I maximize its use? (6) What additional resources do I have available to me to help me throughout this process?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Becoming a Whole Brain Thinker
Description: In this 18 minute webinar, you'll learn to discover your brain dominance, learn to tap into both sides of your brain, apply mind mapping strategies to increase productivity and creativity, and increase your chances of becoming a member of an elite groups of whole brain thinkers (3%). The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Becoming More Resilient to Stress in our Personal and Professional Lives
Description: In this 5 minute video from the Big Think Video Series, learn from Dennis S. Charney, MD, the Dean of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and a world expert in neurobiology and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. He borrows from his research with veterans and their wartime experiences to address two important strategies we can borrow to become more resilient to stress in our personal and professional lives. Watch, reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Why is it important for you to show your resilience to your employees, colleagues, and customers? • What is one way you can become more resilient in your role and duties? • What is your “tap code” as a leader? • How do you help support your employees/teams to maximize their tap codes? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short video?
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Building Mental Game Warrior Teams
Description: In this 33 minute teleseminar, listen to author, coach and speaker Jen Croneberger as she equips participants to become mental warriors who build cohesion and chemistry within departmental teams. She’ll also share the number one myth of being mentally strong. Jen is a frequent speaker at some of the largest sports coaching conferences in the country and has been chosen as the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry's 2009 Female Business Leader of the Year and presented for TEDxGettysburg in 2012.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Bullying in the Workplace
Description: In this 10 minute webinar, Leah Hollis, PhD., author of The Bully in the Ivory Tower, shares what bullying is and offers insights to the problem in the workplace. Gain strategies on how to manage it through personal and organizational solutions.
- Category: Human Resources
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Business Writing Basics & Common Grammatical Mistakes
Description: In this 50 minute teleseminar, learn to overcome pitfalls while writing letters and emails and as a bonus, learn to avoid common grammatical mistakes. This The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Career Management: Re-invent and Re-engage
Description: In this 22 minute webinar, watch career development expert Eric Kramer address basic career goals (happiness), the "new" definition of career success, your personal brand, competing in the career marketplace and the importance of passion and purpose.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success
Description: In this 59 minute carefully curated teleseminar, you learn from best selling author Joseph Grenny how to apply three breakthrough principles to change any personal challenge you face. Understand the fastest and surest way to dramatically improve results in both work and life. Gain a clearer understanding of the real forces that shape our actions can enable us to make better decisions, change our outlook, and replace bad habits with good.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Change Happens: Helping Yourself and Others Through Change
Description: In this 15 minute webinar you’ll learn to identify the roles between change imposers and change imposed, explore strategies to move yourself and others through change, understand the reasons for change adversity, and how to take a proactive approach to making change easier. The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Charisma, Schmarisma: Real Leaders are Zealots
Description: In this 2 minute Big Think video, leadership expert Jim Collins discusses the counterintuitive facts that personal charisma is largely irrelevant in successful leadership. In fact, he asserts it can be dangerous. Please watch, reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Why are you “in it?” • Think of an example where others “signed up” to follow you and what contributed to their support? • What project have you been avoiding? How can you use this video to help clarify your next step? What will you do next? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Clock Tamers: Beat the Clock Before It Beats You
Description: In this 22 minute webinar, learn powerful strategies to take control of your time and minimize others' from hijacking your time and priorities. The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Coach Yourself to a Brighter Future
Description: In this 40 minute teleseminar, learn what coaching is, skills needed to coach oneself, how to eliminate fear and increase chances for goal attainment, how to be more organized, and how to use coaching skills with those I supervise.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Coach Yourself to a Brighter Future
Description: Watch this 24 minute prerecorded webinar to understand what coaching is and how you can use its principles yourself and where appropriate, with others if you lead. Learn five powerful strategies to benefit you both personally and professionally by focusing on skills and knowledge and maximizing your environment. Also, learn how to eliminate or reduce the fears preventing you from achieving your goals and keep negative people from zapping your energy. Attached this the powerful “Values Game” for your use and introspection. Lastly, use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this information going forward: (1.) What exactly is coaching and what skills do I need to coach myself? (2.) What can I do to eliminate or reduce my fears preventing me from achieving my goals? (3.) I recently realized how much I look at the world through a negative lens. What can I do to change that? (4.) I will change my perspectives by… (5.) What strategies should I use to set and increase my chances of me achieving my goals? (6.) What changes must I make in my environment to help ensure my success? (7.) Overall, what should I start, stop and/or continue as a result of what I learned?
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Color Your Plate
Description: Developed by Highmark Blue Shield, access your six weeks of “Color Your Plate” guide to increase awareness of your fruit and vegetable consumption. This challenge offers valuable information and resources for you to help them improve or enhance your nutritional habits. Most people fall far short of achieving the nutrition recommendation goals established by health and nutrition experts, particularly in the area of fruit and vegetable consumption. The current recommendation is for adults to consume 5 to 10 servings daily, to protect against major diseases. Each Guide offers nutrition education, awareness and behavior change tools to help you improve the quantity and variety of their fruit and vegetable consumption and enhance the overall quality of their diets, which in turn, will improve their health status and reduce risk for chronic disease through newsletter articles, motivational tips and strategies and healthy recipes in an easy-to-read, light-hearted style to make healthy eating simple and fun.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Conducting and Participating in Effective Meetings
Description: In this 40 minute pre-recorded teleseminar, you will learn how to love and make the most out of every meeting. You’ll get answers to: (1.) We sometimes lack enough content to discuss at our weekly staff meeting. What do you see as the pros and cons of canceling? (2.) I am part of a committee where the chair does not do a great job leading the meeting. How can I help? (3.) What suggestions do you have to encourage committee members to arrive on time to our meetings? (4.) How do I handle someone who is disruptive to my meeting? (5.) What strategies do you recommend to gain fullest meeting participation? (6.) I want to infuse new energy and ideas onto my committee since the participants have not changed over the years. Suggestions? (7.) What ideas do you have for preventing the same items coming up monthly even though many feel it has already been resolved? (8.) How long is too long for a meeting?
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Creating "Lollipop Moments" Daily
Description: In this 6 minute powerful yet funny Ted Talk video, leadership educator Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving each other’s lives, regardless of our roles or titles. He believes leadership is not a characteristic reserved for the extraordinary. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • What accomplishment do you need to take credit for as a leader (work, home, community) that you haven’t up until now because you did not think it was “big” enough? • What was a “lollipop moment” you experienced because of someone else’s actions (whether you thanked them or not)? • What was the most meaningful “lollipop moment” you created for someone else (whether they thanked you or not)? • What’s one thing you will do to get over your fear that true acts of leadership require something extraordinary or powerful? • What specific behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Creating a Leadership Coaching Culture Without Whistles Series (1 of 4)- The Six Principles of Leadership Coaching
Description: In this podcast from the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, listen to this pre-recorded 5 minute audio clip on how you can bring coaching principles into your department or team to maximize productivity, engagement, and recognition. Use these questions/fieldwork to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • What three things can you do to create a safe, yet challenging environment when asking your employees/colleagues questions? • What strategies do/can you use to keep your attitude as open and nonjudgmental as possible to bring the best out in others? • What questions can you ask your employees/colleagues to help them recognize their own strengths and present weaknesses, and how to address it? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Creating a Leadership Coaching Culture Without Whistles Series (2 of 4)- The Confident Coach: Facing Your Challenges
Description: In this podcast from the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, listen to this 3 minute pre-recorded audio clip on how you can bring coaching principles into your department or team to maximize productivity, engagement, and recognition. Use these questions/fieldwork to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • How can you distinguish between your coaching role from your managerial/supervisory role, and what boundaries can you set? • What strategies do you currently use to cultivate trusting, open relationships with others and what improvements can you make to strengthen them with those you lead and/or coach? • Reflect on two examples where you effectively used active listening and what impact did it have? What could you have differently? • Besides showing that you are listening, what are the other benefits of you as the coach summarizing out loud what you have taken away from the conversation? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Creating a Leadership Coaching Culture Without Whistles Series (3 of 4) - A Coach's Dilemma: Resistance to Feedback
Description: In this podcast from the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, listen to this pre-recorded 4 minute on dealing with resistance to change and how you can bring coaching principles into your department or team to maximize productivity, engagement, and recognition. Use the questions/fieldwork to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • What strategies can you use to effectively provide feedback to your employees and colleagues using a coaching approach? • Think of an example of where it might have led to a more favorable outcome if you would have acknowledged how the coachee’s (peer or subordinate) behavior impacted you as the coach. How might that have impacted the outcome or future behavior? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Creating a Leadership Coaching Culture Without Whistles Series (4 of 4)- Getting on Board: Creating a Coaching Culture
Description: In this podcast from the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership on Creating a Coaching Culture, listen to this 3 minute audio and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • What support do you need to help you and others create a sustainable coaching culture within your department? Division” university-wide? • What behaviors do you think employees need to see from their leaders to help them “buy into” and see the value of the coaching model? • What lessons need to be shared to further build leaders’ coaching competencies? (Please share them with ssherman@wcupa.edu • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Creating Team Synergy
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on creating team synergy by understanding team dynamics and strategies to build and strengthen them. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program. Use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Crushing Performance Management Myths
Description: In this 19 minute webinar, learn how to maximize performance evaluation resources and processes by dispelling its myths. Uncovering the truths can result in a culture of high level performance through strategic alignment, effective communication, coaching, and self-assessment.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Customer Service That Makes Them Say "WOW!"
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on strategies to provide extraordinary customer service and ensure you know what your customers are thinking and saying about your service. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Dealing with Difficult People at Work
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on five different types of difficult people you might encounter at work and shares “do” and “don’t” strategies for addressing each type. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Destressing the Holidays (and Throughout the Year)
Description: In this 29 minute teleseminar, gain insights and strategies to simplify the holidays and manage the anxiety that often comes with it— including tips that will help you throughout the year. The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Developing Good Judgment
Description: In this two part webinar, Michael Boyes of Credo Consulting helps viewers understand the intuitive decision making process; know when and how to rely on intuition; and apply techniques for building intuitive decision making capacity.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Dialogue: The Next Step in Communication
Description: In this 14 minute webinar, learn from Jeanne Taylor McClellan of J. Taylor Consulting, the difference between communication and dialogue, the elements of dialogue and how to enhance your skills using this highly effective approach.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Domestic Violence: Recognition and Resources
Description: This 20 minute webinar featuring Domestic Violence Center of Chester County’s Shari Pirone to gain critical information regarding domestic violence and available resources within reach.
- Category: Human Resources
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Drop the Curtain on Drama: Calm Down, Disengage and Focus
Description: It’s hard to be productive when you’re embroiled in drama. In this 90 minute teleseminar, Meggin McIntosh will help you calm down and put your focus where it actually matters. Learn about tools you can use to minimize drama; 7 mindsets and strategies to curtail your own (and others’) drama; and how you can focus on what matters to you.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life1: Overview
Description: "Eat Well for Life" is an eight part newsletter campaign designed to help raise your awareness of current eating behaviors and their impact on your health. Whether you want to improve eating behaviors, increase your energy, reduce stress, lose or manage weight or reduce your risk for chronic disease, this campaign can start you on the right path to meeting your goals. This series will be your personal guide to building a better diet and healthier lifestyle. We encourage you to set goals and use the tools along the way to help you make small, realistic changes toward improving your eating habits. The newsletters are designed to be easy-to-read and are filled with practical, easy-to-implement strategies. Read the articles at your leisure and share the information with your friends and family.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life2: Portion Control
Description: This newsletter shows you how to control portions and down-size servings. Strive to: *Choose to make better and smaller food choices on your plate at home, in the restaurant and at the grocery store.* Accept that there are no “bad” foods—just bad portion sizes. * Realize that food never solves any of life’s problems. Eating a small chocolate bar is just as satisfying as eating an entire bag of chocolate if you stop eating with your emotions and savor the flavor. * Be prepared for “bad days” and understand that a bad day is just one bad day, not the rest of your life. Just start eating better the next day by making this week’s recipe and move toward better eating habits.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life3: Wake Up to a Great Breakfast
Description: As you may already know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! These quick tips and easy recipes will help you wake up to a great breakfast every day without delay. Strive to: * Add a good, substantial breakfast to each day to jumpstart your metabolism and provide your body with the fuel it needs to keep you moving. * Don’t compare yourself to others or be defined by the scale—healthy people come in all shapes and sizes. Eat healthier and exercise to be healthy, not thin. * Take pride that you have chosen to take the steps to a healthier lifestyle. Let friends and family know that you may need their support and comfort—rather than turning to food for comfort—throughout this journey.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life4: Feel Full with Whole Foods and Fiber
Description: In this newsletter, get the facts about fiber, great tips on how to add fiber to your meals, and the benefits of adding whole foods to your diet. Strive to: * Add one whole and high fiber food to your diet each week; this will give your body a chance to incorporate these good foods. * Plan ahead to stay in charge. We can all be “victims” to our environment, but a little planning and the suggestions from the Whole Food Alternatives section will go a long way. For example, instead of eating foods like mashed potatoes, serve baked potatoes. * Focus on staying positive and making small changes. By doing this, you will be successful and will see the results. However, if you tell yourself you won’t succeed, you will be right.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life5: Make Your Plate Colorful
Description: What colors are on your plate? Make it colorful and fresh with a variety of fruits and vegetables with the help of this newsletter. Choose from the colors of the rainbow, learn about the role that phytochemicals play in your health, and check out the tips for making your plate shine. Strive to: * Incorporate one fruit and one vegetable into each meal—breakfast, lunch and dinner—adds quality without restrictions, not quantity. Don’t forget to track your meals in the weekly Food Journal. * Eat the “good stuff,” such as fresh fruits and vegetables, without worrying about the calories. Try this week’s recipes that are full of the “good stuff.” * Eat when you are hungry, even if you are trying to lose weight. Healthy living is about balance, not deprivation.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life6: Say No to Liquid Calories and Trans Fats
Description: This newsletter will teach you to just say NO to liquid calories and trans fats, because not all beverages are created equal and fats need to be chosen with care. Read through this newsletter’s great articles, tips and strategies and strive to: * Incorporate more water and other low-calorie or calorie-free beverages into your day. * Acknowledge that there are no absolute “do’s” and no absolute “don’ts.” It’s about making better choices, like choosing the good mono- and polyunsaturated fats (in moderation), such as canola oil or walnuts, and eating less of the bad fats (trans and saturated) that are in fried foods, whole milk and beef. * Find a balance that works for you and stick with it. Having a regular cola with fried chicken every now and again is not necessarily a bad thing. It just shouldn’t be a weekly habit.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life7: How to Become a Mindful Eater and Slow Down
Description: Learn to live it and not diet with this newsletter to help you to be a mindful eater and take it slow. Strive to: * Learn the “Rs” of a good diet and savor the flavor of this week’s recipe with a few helpful hints. * Choose a tip or two from the Savor the Flavor section to help you slow down at the table. It’s not about winning or losing—it’s about better choices. * Take time to exercise, and do it for you—you’re worth it. The rewards of exercising are greater than the investment, because it gives you back more energy than you put into it.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Eat Well for Life8: Eat for Energy and Fuel Up with Quality, Not Quantity
Description: This newsletter will help you to discover that you can eat for energy and fuel up with quality, not quantity and have the health and energy to live an enjoyable, rewarding and high quality life. Strive to: * Stop quitting—quitting is a habit. Start eating right and finish what you start now! * Make choices to feel your best every day to get the energy you need. * Choose from a line-up of Foods That Travel or try Easy Make & Take Recipes and Meals In a Minute. * Complete the Are You Eating Well for Life? A Re-Evaluation to assess your lifestyle habits after completing this eight week campaign and compare the results to your assessment from the first week. * Revisit the entire eight week newsletter series in the weeks and months to come—this information never gets old—as a reminder to recommit and return to the rewards of better health for a more fulfilling life.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Embracing Your Power Within
Description: In this 20 minute webinar, Annemarie Kelly of the Victorious Women Project will help you to break through to success in life, work, and relationships by understanding the power you have now. You also will discover the one killer phrase that eats away at your power and learn the three power steps that get you tapping into your power.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
EntreLeadership Podcast Series: Leadership Basics with Dave Ramsey and Cordia Harrington
Description: This 55 minute podcast focuses on Leadership Basics with Dave Ramsey and Cordia Harrington. Both speakers will address how the foundation of your department/organization rests upon the quality of your leadership. Listen as Dave discusses the essential tools needed for you to properly lead your team and take your organization further than you ever imagined. Also on the podcast is Cordia Harrington, CEO of The Tennessee Bun Company. Cordia was recently named one of Fast Company’s “Top 25 Woman Business Builders in America.” CLICK to access the 55 minute podcast with Dave and Cordia. Please listen and reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this leadership information going forward: • Dave Ramsey discusses that opportunities don’t hold the organization back; instead it is the leader who is the problem and the solution for their team and organization. In your leadership role, how do you help and hinder your team’s success? • What do you see as the strengths of your “relational intelligence” and what one thing would you work on to be even more effective? • What have you done or might currently be doing to create a “leadership lid” on your team/organization? How will you address it going forward? • When was the first time you felt like a leader? • What do you do to develop your own leadership and business skills? • Cordia Harrington talked about the importance as a leader to “listen first and then coach.” What leadership lessons guide you? • Cordia also talked about “Problems being a training ground.” What problems have you most learned from? Also, to generate some conversations with your teams/department after they’ve listened to the podcast, please consider the following questions in an upcoming staff meeting: • How can we use what we learned in this podcast to further help and hinder our team’s success? • As a team, what are the strengths of our individual and collective “relational intelligence,” and what can we work on to be even more effective? • What can we do as a team and individually to further develop our skills to work together effectively? • Applying Cordia Harrington’s assertion that “problems are our training ground,” what team problems have we most learned from? • How can we work together to bring out our individual and collective “best”?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
EntreLeadership Podcast Series: Personal Growth with John C. Maxwell
Description: This 55 minute podcast focuses on Personal Growth with John C. Maxwell. On this episode, Dave Ramsey explains the “Wheel of Life” and how it applies to personal and professional goal setting. In addition, Chris LoCurto interviews leadership expert John C. Maxwell about his new book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. Please listen, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this leadership information going forward: • As you look at your “Wheel of Life”, which part(s) (career, financial, spiritual, physical, intellectual, social, family) of your wheel might be “low on air” or “flat,” and what can you do to “inflate” it? • What actions can you take to ensure your progress is not stalled by your “perfection gaps?” • Since “growing people are happier” how can you challenge yourself and others to grow more? How can you use the “Law of the Rubberband” to reinforce this direction? • John Maxwell talked about how the secret of success is determined by our daily agenda. What changes will you make to you documenting your agenda and behaviors taken? • What specific three things will you do to ensure “doors keep opening?” Also, to generate some conversations with your teams/department after they’ve listened to the podcast, please consider the following questions in an upcoming staff meeting: • How can we use what we learned in this podcast to further help and hinder our team’s success? • As a team, what specific actions can the team take to ensure progress is not stalled by individual or team’s “perfection gaps?” • How can the team use the “Law of the Rubberband” to stretch itself going forward? • What changes will the team make to ensure its goals are achieved and/or are making progress on a daily basis? • How does our collect work together open doors for ourselves, and our peers and customers?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
EntreLeadership Podcast Series: Time Management with Dave Ramsey and Peter Bregman
Description: This 30 minute podcast focuses on Time Management with Dave Ramsey and Peter Bregman. Both speakers will provide strategies to help you and your team better plan and manage your time to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and success. Dave Ramsey teaches us time tested strategies on time management. Peter Bregman, author of “18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done,” will share effective strategies to make the most of your time. Please listen, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this leadership information going forward: • Dave Ramsey suggests that if you’re wasting time avoiding activities upon which you should be focused, it is an “integrity issue” and you’re stealing from your organization. What is one thing you currently do that hurts your productivity, and what change(s) could you make to address it? • Dave also discusses that we often spend time doing ridiculous things to avoid doing things outside our comfort zone. What is one project or activity that you have been avoiding for this reason and how will this podcast help call you to action? • Finally, Dave talks about us managing our time through our values instead of going from crisis to crisis. What can you do to minimize or eliminate that crisis mentality? • Peter Bregman talks about his “to do” and “ignore” lists. What’s on or should be on your “ignore” list? • Peter addresses that “the pause” helps allow us to “get the right things done” since it is unrealistic to think one can get everything done. How would that “pause” help you? • Peter talks about converting your “to do” list onto the calendar in the morning (since if you don’t calendar it, it does not get done…); taking a minute each hour to answer, “Am I doing what I need to be doing right now?” and “Am I being who I most want to be right now?”; and recapping at the end of the day what worked and did not work that day to plan for the next day. What new behaviors do you commit to going forward? Also, to generate some conversations with your teams/department after they’ve listened to the podcast, please consider the following questions in an upcoming staff meeting: • How can we use what we learned in this podcast to further help and hinder our team’s success? • Discuss where the collective team might be distracted and therefore, according to Dave Ramsey, “stealing” from the organization. What can the team do to eliminate or minimize these distractions? • What is one project the team/department has been avoiding and why? What can be done to ensure it gets accomplished? • How can the team better use the calendar to ensure critical things get done? • Discuss “failure,” and when and why it is OK?
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
EntreLeadership Podcast Series: Unity with Patrick Lencioni
Description: This 55 minute podcast focuses on Unity with Patrick Lencioni. Pat, a best-selling author and business leader, addresses the importance of organizational health and how to achieve it. Also, Dave Ramsey shares the five main enemies of unity. Please listen, reflect and use the questions below to consider how you will use this leadership information going forward: • Dave Ramsey discusses the five main enemies to unity. What specific behavior(s) will you introduce, stop or change to address the following enemies in your department: o Poor Communication – When the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing; o Gossip – When something negative is discussed with anyone who can’t change or handle it; no tolerance after the first warning; o Unresolved Disagreement – Festering problems that the leader does not know about or choosing to ignore; wounds need to be cleansed and healthy conflict is OK; o Lack of Shared Purpose - When everyone does not know or share the same goals; leaders need to state the mission, vision and goals early and often; o Sanctioned incompetence demoralizes - employees don’t want leaders who put up others not doing or being able to do their own jobs and it falls on someone else. • Pat Lencioni talks about the importance of you looking in the mirror because what is happening in your team/department is because of what you are doing and/or ignoring. As you look in the mirror what changes do you need to make? • To ensure a healthy team, what can you do to make it: (1) more cohesive behaviorally, (2) intellectually aligned, (3) communicate consistently, and (4) reinforce with just enough structure to reinforce it? • What can you do to build trust and show your vulnerability? • How do you recognize “passive sabotage” and address it? Also, to generate some conversations with your teams/department after they’ve listened to the podcast, please consider the following questions in an upcoming staff meeting: • How can we use what we learned in this podcast to further help and hinder our team’s success? • How do we minimize or eliminate the enemies of unity? • How can we be a healthier team by (1) becoming more cohesive behaviorally, (2) being more intellectually aligned, and (3) communicating more consistently? • As a team, how do build/strengthen trust and show vulnerability?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Fall in Love With Your Career (Again)
Description: When you love what you do, there’s no doubt that work is more engaging and enjoyable. But there are several other notable benefits that significantly impact your success when you love what you do. In this 16 minute webinar, you’ll learn six benefits of doing what you love, discover how to find balance between your work and your passion, and gain seven strategies to fall in love with your career (whether that’s in your current position or in a future role) so that you can feel happier, engaged, and fulfilled every day of the week. The webinar features Lindsay Bishop who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Financial Independence for Young Professionals
Description: In this 35 minute curated teleseminar, learn from Barb Shea, author of "Welcome to the Real World," how to best communicate the importance of financial independence, what is a FICO score, and strategies on how to keep in good financial shape from the very beginning!
- Category: Finance
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Four Key Questions for Better Time Management
Description: In this 4 minute video, international bestselling author, Brian Tracy, reveals four questions you can ask yourself – and answer – to get clear, focused and on track in achievement of your goals. In addition, you will be able to remain motivated and energized in your pursuit of your goals and precisely how to get started being more effective at time management. The important questions are: (1.) What am I trying to do/achieve? (2.) How am I trying to do it? Test assumptions. (3.) What are my real goals and how do they affect my personal life? (4.) What is my real aim in life? In other words, what do I really want to do with my life?
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Gage Strength Training Series
Description: In these 2-3 minute videos, featuring local health and fitness expert and gym owner Devin Gage, learn strategies to remain safe and health at work and away from work. Topics will focus on Hip Hinge Patterns, How to Relieve Back Pain While at Work, Chair Exercises and Rethinking the Number on the Scale.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Get Organized From the Inside Out
Description: In this 20 minute webinar, become empowered to identify, examine, and confront roadblocks to getting and keeping your space organized. Gain a foolproof method and action plan for customizing space to reflect who you are and what is important to you.The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
Description: Are you a Giver or a Taker? After years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, organizational psychologist and international best-selling author (and Penn professor) Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others. In his groundbreaking book Give and Take, Grant talks about how giving unselfishly to colleagues or clients can lead to one’s own long-term success. In this 13 minute carefully curated TED Talk, Grant breaks down the three basic personalities found in the workplace (givers, takers and matchers) and offers simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity and keep self-serving employees from taking more than their share.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Goal Setting That Keeps You Motivated
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on how to set goals, use strategies to make meaningful progress and stay motivated to get extraordinary results. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Helping Create a Best Place to Work
Description: In this 28 minute podcast, Peter Bregman interviews Ron Friedman, Ph.D., author of *The Best Place to Work*. They address the science behind creating an extraordinary workplace and provide practical examples. Please listen, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • How do/could you help create shared experiences and memories within your unit/department that foster a positive mindset? • Knowing that there is greater loyalty and commitment to the unit/department when there are deeper relationships, what do/could you do to help strengthen friendships at work? • How do/could you build sustainable engagement by optimizing employees’ autonomy? • What leadership behaviors do you exhibit to help set the desired culture? What positive or negative behaviors have you seen others exhibit that positively or negatively impact culture? • What behavior/actions will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this podcast?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Highmark's Prevention 101
Description: Highmark’s Prevention 101 E-campaign is dedicated to your wellness. Initially intended as an 12 week program, you have 24/7 access to all 12 e-zines that will help you to keep your health front of mind in this very busy world we live in.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Other
- Campus: West Chester
How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Description: In this 18 minute Ted Talk video, author Simon O. Sinek delves into what he says is a naturally occurring pattern, grounded in the biology of human decision-making. He explains why we are inspired by some people, leaders, messages and organizations over others. This content was first addressed in his 2009 book, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Have you led with the “Why?” or “What?” in the past? • What is your “Why?” at work and how can you communicate that message going forward to your colleagues, subordinates (if applicable), supervisors, customers, etc.? • What is your “Why?” in your world outside of work? How can you communicate it so your family, friends, and even strangers know your cause/purpose? • How will you know if you inspired people in the future? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
How to be Successful in a Multicultural Workplace
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on strategies to be successful in a multicultural workplace and will address cultural awareness, intercultural communication skills, appreciating customs and celebrating workplace diversity. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Diversity
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
How to Become a Dynamic Networker
Description: This 17 minute video was developed for WCU students entering the workforce, but the information is relevant no matter what age or career stage! In this video you'll learn how to master the components of dynamic networking, including dos and don'ts, examination and preparation, accessing your conversation, and discovering how to improve your skills. The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
How to Make an Impact at Meetings
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on the benefits of meetings, preparation in advance of and behaviors during meetings and value added actions after any meeting. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
How to Make Stress Your Friend
Description: In this 15 minute curated TEDTALK, health psychologist Kelly McGonigal will shift the way you think about stress. Stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be true. How you think and how you act can significantly transform how you experience stress and the way your body responds to it. Kelly encourages us to view stress as positive and helpful, and provides research on how changing your mindset and connecting with others during stress can create resilience.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
How To Raise a Healthier Family
Description: In this 19 minute webinar, learn from Dr, Brian Schuffler, a West Chester Chiropractor, how to master the keys to healthier family and get started on your family's journey to health and wellness.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
How to Thrive in a Stressful Workplace
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on understanding stressful work environments, how we handle that stress and what we can do to minimize or eliminate it. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
How Would Your Team Do Building This Tower?
Description: In this 6 minute Ted Talk video, Tom Wujec, author of several books, including *Five-Star Mind: Games and Puzzles to Stimulate Your Creativity and Imagination*, presents some surprising findings about teams based on research into the "marshmallow problem" - a simple team-building exercise that involves dry spaghetti, one yard of tape and a marshmallow. Who can build the tallest tower with these ingredients? And why does a surprising group always beat the average? Please watch, reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • How do you think your team/department would approach this tower building activity? Which group would you be most like? • Think of another project you’ve worked on that led to similar results. How would this knowledge have helped you to lead to a better outcome? • What existing projects might have similar “hidden assumptions” that need to come to light? • What project/activity do you have coming up and what “prototype” can you recommend/implement that we benefit the outcomes? • What specific behavior(s) will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Increase Your Workplace Energy
Description: Part of a 13 part 13 Essential Skills program, this module addresses how to increase your focus and energy at work. Use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions. There are times facilitator Harriet Meyerson will mention "your supervisor" on the audio; please disregard. This is not necessary for our program. In addition, she will mention that this is a 13 month program. For our purposes, we have condensed it and broken out the segments. Please turn your speakers on high or use a headset when listening to the audio files.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
John Maxwell on the Secret of Success
Description: In this 3 minute video, leadership expert John Maxwell highlights “The Secret of Success” by encouraging us to focus on our life’s purpose, what we’re passionate about, and what we’re really good at. He stresses the importance of playing off our strengths, which is a great leadership principle. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • What do you think you really good at? If you were to ask your employees, peers, family members, etc., what would they say you are good at? • Of the things not naturally in your “wheelhouse,” what are the skills you could learn as a result of job shadowing, formal /on the job training, etc.? • Of the things you are really not good at, how can you use resources around you to ensure those things get accomplished (i.e. share, delegate, eliminate, etc.)? • If you had the opportunity to make any changes to play to your strengths and potential, how do you think these changes would impact your performance, results, satisfaction and engagement? • If you lead others, ask these same three questions for each member of your team and redistribute tasks and/or projects to play to your team members’ strengths. • How do you think these changes would impact your employees’ performance, results, satisfaction and engagement? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
John Maxwell: 5 Levels of Leadership
Description: In this 33 minute video, Leadership guru John Maxwell highlights that leadership is about influence, and then he lays out the five levels of leadership and what differentiates each. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • With relationship being such a key foundation to level 2 (permission), what do you do to make others want to follow you? • Knowing that at level 3 (production) it’s about results and producing by example, which of your attributes do your employees possess and which need to be worked on in level 4 (people development)? • Which level best describes where you are with most of your employees/colleagues? What do you need to do to strengthen or take it to the next level? • Looking at your leader, what leadership level is your relationship with them and what can you do to help take it to the next level? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Knock Your Socks Off Customer Service
Description: “Knock Your Socks Off Customer Service” is a two part pre-recorded teleseminar (40 minutes each). In Part 1, you will learn the perceptions behind customer service, and identify and gain strategies to adapt your communication style. You will also gain problem-solving skills needed to trouble shoot customers' concerns. Part 2 will equip you with strategies on how to manage angry or irate customers (internal or external). You’ll learn how to handle the four types of difficult customers and skills needed to manage your own emotional intelligence.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Leading Effectively: 10 Ways for Working Across Generations
Description: This "Leading Effectively" Podcast, sponsored by the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, will address ways to work effectively across generations in the workplace. Please listen to this 4 minute audio, reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • CCL research shows that everyone wants credible, trustworthy leaders. What do you do to show that you are credible and worthy of trust? • What specific things do you do as a leader to retain the talent in your department? • According to CCL’s research, everyone wants to know how they’re doing and how to do better. What specifically do you do to provide feedback to your employees in all generations? • What did you learn about yourself and your employees as a result of this podcast? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Leading Effectively: 6 Ways to Make Conflict Productive
Description: This "Leading Effectively" Podcast, sponsored by the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, will address ways to communicate effectively and have healthy and productive conflict. Please listen to this 4 minute audio, reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • Think of a time when you wished you would have talked more honestly and directly to another person to resolve a conflict- where you could have chosen your words more carefully and explained how you felt and why. How might the outcome have been different? • How does showing your desire to “understand” accelerate the reconciliation process? • CCL suggests the importance of seeking out sympathetic co-workers or friends when you need to "unload" or get a pep talk. Who are your “go to” colleagues and/or friends? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Leading Effectively: Beyond Words - Communicate with Actions and Attitude
Description: This "Leading Effectively" Podcast, sponsored by the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, will address strategies to communicate effectively through our actions and attitude. After listening to this four minute audio, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • Think of an example when your “attitude” as shown by your behaviors communicated the wrong message. What did you learn from that situation? • How do you demonstrate you are present, visible and available when communicating your leadership character? • How do you encourage direct and open discussion, and initiate difficult, but needed, conversations? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Leading Effectively: Myths of Effective Leadership
Description: This "Leading Effectively" Podcast, sponsored by the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, will address and then dispel the myths of effective leadership that might be hindering your effectiveness. Please listen to this 4 minute podcast, reflect and then use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • What do you see as the difference between leadership, power, and influence? • Whose “voice” aren’t you listening to right now who you should invite into the conversation to bring out other perspectives? Who should your “sparring” partners be to bring out your best? • How can you learn more about your leadership style by asking others for candid feedback? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Leading Effectively: Stress Busters - Tips for Dealing with the Stress of Leadership
Description: This "Leading Effectively" Podcast, sponsored by the acclaimed Center for Creative Leadership, will address stress triggers and "rituals" and life changes that can be made to eliminate or minimize it. After listening to this 5 minute podcast, use the questions/fieldwork below and consider how you will use this learning and leadership coach information going forward: • What triggers the feeling of stress in you, what are your physiological responses, and what do you do when it happens? • What new rituals can you create to help you deal with the stress? Who will your accountability partner be? • What change(s) can you make to create more balance in your life to make you more effective in your leadership role? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short audio?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Podcast
- Campus: West Chester
Learning to Thrive in Times of Change
Description: In this three part teleseminar series, join Elaine Kempski, speaker, certified coach and founder of Inner Journey Coaching, as she shares how to move through personal and professional change with clarity and confidence. Gain valuable insights and new perspectives on how to thrive in times of change and learn how to view change as an accelerator for personal growth.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Magic Words that Change Negative into Positive
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on 10 commonly used expressions/words that when modified can help ensure your intended meaning is heard and more positive relationships with your co-workers, managers and customers. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Maintain Your Mind: Feed Your Mind
Description: In this newsletter, Feed Your Mind, you will discover delicious and innovative ways to optimize your brain health and performance by what you put in your mouth. You will also learn suggestions for practical ways to incorporate brain-building nutrients into your daily diet and brain-boosting recipes that you and your family will love. A Mediterranean eating style has long been celebrated as the gold standard of healthy diets, but research also shows that this healthful diet may also help the brain and may reduce the risk of getting mild cognitive impairment, such as forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating. Start today by mixing up a spinach salad with fresh carrots, dried cranberries, garbanzo or other beans, walnuts and a small amount olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Your daily “vitamins” aren’t pills, but are the daily decisions that you can make to feed your brain.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Maintain Your Mind: Sharpen Your Mind
Description: This newsletter, Sharpen Your Mind, takes brain training to a whole new level by focusing on mental fitness and thinking ability—another way to MAINTAIN YOUR MIND. You’re likely familiar with the saying, “Use it or lose it.” While this certainly applies to cognitive health, this newsletter takes a different spin: “Use it and improve it!” and will provide you with the latest research and strategies that may keep your brain fit and your mind sharp. It will also review the effects of aging on memory, what’s normal versus abnormal and when one should seek a medical evaluation for memory problems.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Maintain Your Mind: Take Control of Your Brain
Description: Empower yourself by reading this newsletter to take control of your brain! Take steps now, no matter what your age, to preserve and promote your brain health to help you stay sharper, longer. In this newsletter, you will learn about “brain basics” and explore the lifestyle factors that contribute to maintaining a mind that is sharp, active and functioning optimally. You will also discover how to add practical brain-boosting activities and strategies into your daily routine by making small, realistic changes to last a lifetime. Get started with the Brain Health Habits Self-Check assessment to take control of your brain.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Maintain Your Mind: Train Your Brain
Description: This newsletter, Train Your Brain, introduces you to the brain-boosting benefits of physical activity and provides practical strategies for making this health-promoting behavior one of your daily decisions. Exercise stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the brain, bringing it extra oxygen, glucose for fuel and other nutrients. Although regular exercise may not be the cure for Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive disorders, it will likely improve your brain function and help you stay sharper longer, not to mention all the other benefits to your health and well-being. Physical exercise makes the whole body healthier. Take a walk during lunch or do a little weekend yard work. It’s a no-brainer to train your brain!
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Maintain Your Mind: Unwind Your Mind
Description: Unravel your mind’s potential with this newsletter, Unwind Your Mind, by increasing your stress resilience, transforming your thoughts, connecting with a meaningful purpose and sleeping well. Brain health isn’t just about preserving and promoting cognitive function, it’s also about emotional well-being. In today’s culture of constant connection, to unwind your mind is no small feat. At the same time, taking just a few minutes each day yields tremendous benefits for your emotional, cognitive and physical health. There are countless ways to manage and increase your resilience to stress from daily exercise to meditation to journaling. Today, write down three to five things that you liked about your day to unwind your mind.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Maintain Your Mind: Your Best Brain
Description: This "Maintain Your Mind" newsletter offers a review of all the content in the series and encourages you to find new ways to achieve “Your Best Brain.” Your Best Brain isn’t just about lowering your risk for cognitive decline and other brain-related disorders. Your Best Brain is mentally fit. Your Best Brain is emotionally well. Your Best Brain contributes to an optimal quality of life, now and in the future. Here are just a few examples to help you on your journey: (1)Discover a new passion when you explore other interests; (2)Find that you love walking or running when you “walk out your door”; (3) Meet local farmers when shopping for produce at a farmer’s market; (4)Find more time for relating to your spouse, partner or children when you “unplug” from your cell phone. Remember, it requires a commitment of time, energy and thought to get your best brain.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Minimize Public Speaking Anxiety
Description: Public speaking is a valuable skill that can be used at home, work, or in your community. Learn how to present your wisdom and share ideas with others without the anxiety that comes along with public speaking. Check out these 13 +1 tips to reduce stress before giving a presentation.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Slideshow
- Campus: West Chester
Description: This 18 minute “New Year, BETTER You” webinar helps pick up where most “resolutions” have failed or stalled. The video is packed with valuable information to help you create a BETTER you in the new calendar or academic year. You will learn 5 key goals you should strive to achieve this year along with lots of simple ways you can fulfill those goals one step at a time. The webinar features Lindsay Bishop who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Optimal Business Writing Skills
Description: In the 19 minute webinar, you will learn to identify the pitfalls of business writing and explore how to get started in the writing process. The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Organize Yourself from the Inside Out
Description: In this 17 minute webinar, you’ll learn about the barriers to your organizing success, a simple 3 step model to get more organized and lastly, what SPACE means and how to use it to ensure your success. The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Performance Management Boot Camp
Description: In this 5 part mixed media program, learn how to maximize performance evaluation resources and processes by dispelling its myths and uncovering the truths can result in a culture of high level performance through strategic alignment, effective communication, coaching, and self-assessment. Learn how to handle difficult situations and word certain challenges and areas for growth in an official employee document and subsequent discussions. Learn how workarounds negatively impact the rest of your department and your credibility in their eyes. Learn proven strategies for use throughout the year to get desired results and give your employees what they need to keep raising their own performance “bar” and use the right questions as a surefire leadership approach to performance enhancement.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Performance Management: It's Not Just an Annual Event
Description: In this 20 minute webinar, learn how the performance management processes and resources can equip leaders with the foundation to encourage and sustain desired performance and outcomes and quickly discourage ineffective behaviors. Learn proven strategies for use throughout the year to get desired results and give your employees what they need to keep raising their own performance “bar.”
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Practice Leadership Skills
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on building and practicing leadership skills regardless of your role, including the importance to “Be Up,” “Show Up,” and “Follow Up.”. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program; use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Putting the Perform into the Performance Review Process
Description: Listen to this 40 minute teleseminar to learn how to maximize the use of the evaluation forms and the performance discussions to reinforce appropriate behaviors and eliminate unacceptable behaviors. Learn how to handle difficult situations and how to word certain challenges and areas for growth in an official employee document and subsequent discussions.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Reframing Success and Goal Setting
Description: Listen to this 25 minute teleseminar and learn how to focus on what went right by taking the "Litmus Success Test" and gain goal setting resources so that you can experience future success in all facets of your life! The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Staff Meeting Starters: Avoiding Procrastination
Description: Using the "Simple Starters" 1 1/2 minute video and OD's facilitator guide, this individual/team activity allows participants to understand the impact that procrastination has on their productivity and thinking; develop a simple strategy to ensure the “frogs” on their to-do lists are not left there too long; and build accountability so participants and teams can help each other tackle the tough and necessary tasks/projects, especial during the first 30 days of change.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Staff Meeting Starters: Change Readiness
Description: Using the "Simple Starters" 3+ minute video and OD's facilitator guide, this individual/team activity allows participants/teams assess skills required of successful change agents before they can expect others to embrace change; identify situations where they can better model the behaviors needed to move others through change; and discuss what they need for others to sustain the changed behaviors.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Staff Meeting Starters: Delivering Extraordindary Customer Service
Description: Using the "Simple Starters" 3+ minute video and OD's facilitator guide, this individual/team activity allows participants to understand that no matter what one’s role is in the organization, every employee has the opportunity to make a positive impact on the customer; and challenges participants to come up with individual and departmental/team ways to put a positive “personal signature” on their jobs.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Staff Meeting Starters: Goal Achievement
Description: Using the "Simple Starters" 3+ minute video and OD's facilitator guide, this individual/team activity allows participants/teams learn the 10 rules for achieving success through effective planning and execution of goals; assess participants’ current effectiveness in using these goal setting strategies; and identify ways to strengthen participants’ use of these rules.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Staff Meeting Starters: Team Strengthening
Description: Using the "Simple Starters" 3 minute video and OD's facilitator guide, this individual/team activity allows participants help strengthen their team by understanding the importance of putting the team first, communicating openly, building and committing to trust, promoting interdependent thinking, and standing by each other in difficult times; identifying strategies to be introduced or strengthened that will help the department/team to be even more effective and productive; and strategizing how each team member can individually and collectively help the department/team to maximize working and communicating together.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Stop Procrastination...Now!
Description: In this program facilitated by Harriet Meyerson, she focuses on getting results by overcoming the mental, action and emotional diversions of procrastination. This was originally a module in her 13 part 13 Essential Skills program. Use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Strategies to Conducting Effective Performance Discussions... Especially Uncomfortable Ones
Description: In this 35 minute teleseminar, managers and supervisors will learn: (1) How should I prepare for and structure a meaningful performance evaluation meeting? (2) How can best use questions to maximize two-way communication in the performance review discussion? (3) What other communication strategies do you recommend during the meeting? (4) How can I prepare for difficult conversations in the performance review discussion? (5) How can I deal with an employee’s defensiveness in the performance evaluation discussion? and (6) Can evaluations or the process be grieved/appealed?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Strategies to Effectively Lead and Participate in Meetings
Description: Strategies to Effectively Lead and Participate in Meetings Whether you are the meeting facilitator or a participant, this 22 minute webinar will give you strategies to help make your next meeting a successful, effective, and maybe even fun experience. A handout with a checklist, strategies, and questions to think about while watching the video and preparing for your next meetings also is included.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Strategies to Effectively Lead/Participate in Meetings
Description: This 24 minute pre-recorded webinar will cover how to make the most out of every meeting minute. Issues covered include: optimizing the meeting purpose (including pros and cons of canceling a meeting); facilitator and participant success factors; preparation and time boosters; and ways to ensure your message is heard. Also, access a attached handout with a checklist, strategies, and questions to think about while watching the video and preparing for your next meeting.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Strengthening Your Emotional Intelligence
Description: In this 10 minute pre-recorded webinar, learn the brain science behind EQ, gain strategies on how to strengthen your EQ, and help others apply their emotional intelligence in challenging situations. Access the EQ workbook that you can print out and use to take any notes or jot down thoughts that come to mind as you listen and watch.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Strengthening Your Emotional Intelligence
Description: Learn the brain science behind Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Understand the importance of EQ in the workplace, review and assess the five Emotional Intelligence skills, and become aware of your own EQ triggers. There is one thing that we are in control of--our attitude! Strengthen your EQ and help others do the same so that we can create an environment of candor and successful outcomes.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Strengthening Your Leadership Backbone
Description: Whether you are a current or aspirant leader, learn the 10 powerful strategies that will bring you and others around you greater credibility, power and influence at work using Susan Marshall’s book, “How to Grow a Backbone.”
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Stress Busters: Winning the War on Stress
Description: In the 19 minute webinar, watch, listen, and learn strategies to minimize the head trash and negative self-talk, and manage the good stress! Discover the strategies to write expressively, find your ‘worry spot,’ belly breathe, eliminate negative beliefs, develop positive self-talk, harness your Emotional Intelligence, practice active listening, and find humor in everyday life.The webinar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Succeeding in an Uncertain Economy: Improve Your Operations
Description: As a result of this 50 minute teleseminar, you are able to tap into proven tools to successfully implement business improvements including process mapping techniques, documentation of standard operating procedures, elimination of wasteful practices, and value-added vs. non-value added activity analysis. The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Success in Numbers: Blog Series to Employees' Success
Description: This curated content from Inc. features guest writer Jeff Haden (keynote speaker, ghostwriter, LinkedIn Influencer, contributing editor to Inc., and the author of "The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win). Learn habits and qualities of truly remarkable, likeable, giving, courageous and successful employees and leaders.
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Campaign
- Campus: West Chester
Successful Workplace Communication
Description: Part of a 13 part 13 Essential Skills program, this module focuses on strategies to more successful communication in the workplace. Use the links to access the audios, PowerPoint presentation, tools A/B, and instructions. There are times facilitator Harriet Meyerson will mention "your supervisor" on the audio; please disregard. This is not necessary for our program. In addition, she will mention that this is a 13 month program. For our purposes, we have condensed it and broken out the segments. Please turn your speakers on high or use a headset when listening to the audio files.
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Take Your Employees Where They Didn't Think They Could Go
Description: In this 20 minute video, gain strategies to empower your employees to perform their best. One of your most effective leadership tools is communicating necessary information for employees to best perform. Handled skillfully, you can empower your people; fumble it, and you’ll surely hamper theirs and your organization’s success. Learn how, when, and why to use the right questions as a surefire leadership approach.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
The Bully at Work: Are You Being Bullied?
Description: Part of a 4 part program (not 5) , this 32 minute "The Bully at Work" teleseminar (Part 2) will educate and empower individuals to help eradicate workplace bullying. It addresses: • Is there a correlation between bullies and gender, ethnicity, age or other demographic factors? • How does a bully become a bully? • What motivates a bully? • Are there different categories of bullies? • What behaviors are typical of these bullies? • What can you do to cope with each type of bully? The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Human Resources
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
The Bully at Work: Empower Yourself and Handle the Bully
Description: Part of a 4 part program (not 5), this 45 minute "The Bully at Work" teleseminar (Part 4) will educate and empower individuals to help eradicate workplace bullying. In this teleseminar, we will discuss the final two parts in the four pronged response— empowering yourself and handling the bully. Topics to be covered are:• One positive step towards empowering yourself is to develop a support team. Who should be a part of this team? • Another important step towards empowering yourself is to build yourself esteem. How do you go about doing this? • How do you confront a bully? • What happens if your boss is the bully? • Can you go over what to expect when a target does decide to assert oneself? • How can you prepare to confront the bully? • When do you know it is time to leave the organization? The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Human Resources
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
The Bully at Work: The Four Pronged Response to Workplace Bullying
Description: Part of a 4 part program (not 5), this 32 minute "The Bully at Work" teleseminar will discuss steps you should take in order to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally, and how to protect yourself in practical ways, regardless of the level of bullying or your particular situation. Specially we will cover:• What is the four pronged response to workplace bullying? • How do you go about stating the problem? • Why is it important to document and how do I document the bullying behaviors? • What are some other things the targets can do to protect themselves? • I know next time you will cover how to handle the bully and empower yourself. In the meantime, is there any advice you can give the listeners that could prime them for what they might experience in the next teleseminar? The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Human Resources
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
The Bully at Work: What Everyone Must Know
Description: Part of a 4 part program (not 5), this 24 minute "The Bully at Work" teleseminar (Part 1) will educate and empower individuals to help eradicate workplace bullying. It addresses what constitutes bullying, possible options and likely outcomes. Specifically it answers: • Who is this teleseminar series for? • What is workplace bullying? • Why do we tolerate workplace bullying? • How common is workplace bullying? • Is workplace bullying the same as harassment? • How can workplace bullying hurt people? • What’s the difference between bullying and abuse? • How can workplace bullying hurt an organization? • Can workplace bullying and its effects be stopped? Managers and supervisors will gain a better insight into what bullying looks like, how it feels to the target, and be able to assess whether conditions in the department encourage bullying and how to change that. The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’s training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Human Resources
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
The Leadership Challenge
Description: This teleseminar series highlights the key principles adapted from Kouzes and Posner's "The Leadership Challenge" that have made this a best seller and resource used by organizations worldwide.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
The New Tao of Leadership
Description: In this 3 minute Big Think video, John Maeda, president of the Rhode Island School of Design, addresses the ideal leader falling somewhere in between Lao Tzu and Father Knows Best. Please watch, listen and reflect, and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Would others see you as more of an authoritative or creative leader? • If you are more creative, what can you do “to be the man/woman” when you need to in leadership situations? • What can you do as a leader to support “creatives” on your team, especially if that is not your preferred style? • What did you learn about yourself and your employees by watching this video and what will you change going forward? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
The Power of Introverts
Description: This 19 minute Ted Talk video features author Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Are you the person who thrives in an environment of action or contemplation? • What could you do for yourself (and others you lead, if applicable) to create that environment of “freedom?” • What is one group project you are currently working on or leading that might lend itself to more individual work to benefit both the introverts and extroverts on the team? • Where is/would be your “wilderness?” • What’s in your suitcase and what can you do to better share it with others? If you supervise/lead, how can you encourage others to share what’s in their suitcases? • What specific behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Communication
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Turn Around Performance Problems Before it is Too Late
Description: Have you ever created a personnel “workarounds” or swept problems under the rug, or seen another leader do it? In this 30 minute pre-recorded teleseminar, learn how that negatively impacts the rest of your department and your credibility in their eyes. Be equipped with the necessary tools and strategies that can make a long term impact on your leadership and team.
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
What Makes us Feel Good About Our Work?
Description: In this 20 minute Ted Talk, Behavioral economist Dan Ariely presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward the meaning in our work and the fact that money does not necessarily motivate us. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • What makes you feel good about your work? • How can you and others add more meaning, creativity , etc. to the work to add value? • Where have you seen the impact of the “Ikea Effect”? • If you supervise or lead, how do you help support your employees/teams by using the information shared in this video? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this video?
- Category: Personal Development
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
What's the Difference Between Management and Leadership?
Description: This 7 minute Big Think video features Bill George, a professor at the Harvard Business School, who uses his extensive work and research with business leaders to discuss leadership and management. Please watch, reflect and use the questions/fieldwork below to consider how you will use this learning and leadership information going forward: • Who do you serve? • What makes you authentic? • How can you be a more collaborative leader and further develop your “gifts”? • What “story” has helped frame who you are today and hope will become? • What behavior will you start, stop, and/or continue as a result of this short video?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Whole Brain Thinking and Mind Mapping
Description: Listen to this 50 minute teleseminar to gain an understanding of right-brained, left-brained, and whole brain thinking. Assess your whole brain quotient and have a firm understanding as to why this is important. Learn how to get your teams to think with their whole brain and tap into how to use divergent and convergent thinking to come up with the best solutions. The teleseminar features Molly Nece who previously was part of West Chester University’ training team; the content is still very relevant even though she is not presently at WCU.
- Category: Project Management
- Delivery Format: Webinar/Video
- Campus: West Chester
Writing Effective Performance Reviews
Description: In this 38 minute teleseminar, managers and supervisors will learn: (1)What do’s and don’t do you recommend when completing employees’ evaluations? (2) What documentation should be factored into the review and what should be avoided? (3) How can I best use the narrative sections of the evaluation? (4) What phrases should I avoid on the evaluation? (5) Where does the reviewing officer (reviewer’s supervisor) fit into this process? and (6) Besides providing feedback, how can I use the evaluation process to improve individual and department performance?
- Category: Leadership
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester
Your Journey to Health and Wellness with Dr. Jeff
Description: This six part pre-recorded teleseminar series, “Your Journey to Health and Wellness with Dr. Jeff Chamberlain” will focus on healing the body; reducing stress; strengthening and toning techniques, boosting the immune system, reducing lower back pain and nutrition. Dr. Jeff is a WCU alumnus and a dedicated health and wellness professional living and working in West Chester, PA.
- Category: Wellness
- Delivery Format: Teleseminar
- Campus: West Chester