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Dr. Jackie  Zalewski Headshot West Chester University media relations managers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert. Call 610-436-3383 or email HSchwarz@wcupa.edu

Dr. Jackie Zalewski


College of Sciences and Mathematics - Anthropology and Sociology


Dr. Jacqueline Zalewski’s ongoing research focuses on the growing contingencies in workers’ jobs and employment. Zalewski interviewed information technologists and human resource professionals about the outsourcing of their jobs to vendor companies for her Ph.D., and she later published the book Working Lives and in-House Outsourcing: Chewed Up By Two Masters. She is currently working toward a journal publication on findings from qualitative interview research on the onboarding of contractors and consultants (contingent workers) into client firms. Zalewski has also published about academic and career advising, teamwork pedagogy, and the career paths of undergraduate sociology majors.

Her research has been peer reviewed with Routledge, NACADA Journal, Teaching Sociology, and the American Sociological Association’s Teaching Resources. Zalewski has several honors including: Distinguished Alumni (2022, University of Wisconsin-Parkside), Inaugural Outstanding Advising Award (2019, West Chester University), the Leigh S. Shaffer Award (2018, NACADA), the Arthur J. Schmitt Dissertation Fellowship (2006, Loyola University Chicago), and the Founder’s Day Teaching Award (2005, Indiana University Northwest).


  • Outsourcing and Contingent Jobs
  • Contractor and Consultant Onboarding to Client Firms
  • Academic and Career Advising
  • Teamwork Pedagogy
  • Career Pathways of Sociology Majors


  • B.A., University of Wisconsin-Parkside
  • M.A., Loyola University Chicago
  • Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago