Media Guide to WCU Faculty Experts

Dr. Robert J. Kodosky
Professor, Department Chair
College of Arts & Humanities - History
Dr. Robert J. Kodosky teaches courses in American military and diplomatic history and serves as the faculty adviser for several student organizations. His work with veterans on campus and in the community earned him the Legion of Honor Humanitarian Award granted by the Four Chaplains Memorial Foundation (2014).
In collaboration with his students, Kodosky authored Tuskegee in Philadelphia: Rising to the Challenge (The History Press, 2020). His first book, Psychological Operations American Style: The Joint United States Public Affairs Office, Vietnam and Beyond (Lexington Books, 2007), examined America’s attempts to “win hearts and minds” in Vietnam. Kodosky’s examination of 20th century antiwar music within the military appears as a chapter in The Routledge History of Social Protest in Popular Music (Routledge, 2013).
Kodosky’s work ranges from histories of veterans to ones on counter insurgency/special operations/intelligence and appears in the Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, the Encyclopedia of Military Science, the American Intelligence Journal, Balloons to Drones, the Journal of Military History, Marine Corps History Journal, Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, the Journal of Popular Culture, the Michigan War Studies Review, Philadelphia Inquirer and the Westtown Gazette.
Kodosky additionally serves as a Historical Commissioner in Westtown township.
- B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1989
- M.A., Villanova University,1994
- Ph.D., Temple University, 2006
In Depth: KYW podcast
PBS 39
WCU Military History
Main Line Tonight