Honors Student Association

The Honors Student Association (HSA) provides its members with social and service opportunities aimed toward building its members' characters and fostering a commitment to lifelong learning. Paralleling the goals of West Chester University's Honors College, HSA prepares students to become forces for positive change in both the campus and broader community with focus on leadership, academia, and service.

Thanks to all of the HSA members who completed a combined 5868.2 hours of community service this past year!

In recognition, HSA received the Community Service Leadership Award for 2020-2021, as well as Student Organization of the year Award for 2018-2019. 

Meetings are regularly held on Thursdays at 7:30 PM meeting in SECC108, with doors opening at 7:15 for food!

The Honors College largest philanthropic event is the P.E.A.C.E Carnival. P.E.A.C.E stands for Philanthropy Education and Community Engagement


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Community Service

Throughout the year, HSA offers its members a plethora of opportunities to volunteer on campus, in the local West Chester community, and in surrounding areas. Community service stands at the forefront of HSA values because members believe focusing time and attention on someone else's needs sets a foundation for leadership ability and reflects quality of character. As Dr. Dorothy Height, a great civil and women's rights activist once said, "without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It's important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop." HSA members facilitate and participate in regular Adopt-a-Spot trash pick-ups, entertainment, and card-making for citizens in local senior centers, the yearly P.E.A.C.E. carnival, Relay for Life, blanket-making for Project Linus, dog-toy-making for the Brandywine Valley SPCA, stream cleanups with the Chester Ridley Crum Watersheds Association, Hanging of the Greens in downtown West Chester, and more.


While service and leadership inspire much of the direction of HSA, the organization also holds on to a passion for celebrating and promoting academia. HSA organizes events such as the Outstanding Faculty Reception, which recognizes faculty members who students have identified as providing excellence in the classroom. Additionally, HSA has worked to form student-to-faculty research partnerships, most recently resulting in the publication of a project contributed to by HSA's Erin Yentz related to the Literacy and Cultural Heritage Map of Pennsylvania. HSA also hosts the Peer Leadership Program, which pairs first-year Honors College students with a mentor student in a similar major to support their transition into college.


HSA provides students with opportunities to put leadership into practice. In addition to holding formal leadership positions as executive officers and committee coordinators, members can work within committees to organize social events, service efforts, fundraisers, collaborations with campus organizations and departments, and more. Through student-planned programming and weekly meetings, HSA allows members to enrich their creativity, delegation, communication, and team building. HSA programming directly aims to develop more engaged, active leaders and citizens.

Executive Board

Julie Stinson


Julie Stinson
Business Management
Minor: Dance Performance, Digital Marketing
Class of 2025

Jon b

First Vice President

Jonathan Booz
Special Education
Class of 2025

Bella N

Second Vice President 

Bella Nimmerichter
Criminal Justice
Minor: Civic and Professional Leadership, Law Politics & Society
Class of 2025

COnnor Dapp


Connor Dapp
Minor: Civic and Professional Leadership
Class of 2026

Makenna Marr


Makenna Marr
Nutrition BS: Dietetics
Class of 2026


Coordinators (Extended Exec.)

Imogen Cooper

Alumni Coordinator

Imogen Cooper
Cell and Molecular Biology
Class of 2026

Gabby Sasso

Communications Coordinator

Gabby Sasso
Public Health
Minor: Civic and Professional Leadership
Class of 2026

Isabelle Hill

Community Service Coordinator

Isabelle Hill
Early Grades Preparation
Minor: PreK-8 Mathmatics, Civic and Professional Leadership
Class of 2026

Luwam Headshot

Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator

Luwam Teklegiogis
Public Health
Class of 2026

Gabi Steffy

Interfaith Coordinator 

Gabi Steffy
Cell and Molecular Biology
Minor: Applied Ethics, Civic and Professional Leadership
Class of 2026

Jess Mitchell

P.E.A.C.E. Coordinator

Jess Mitchell
Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Supply Chain Management
Class of 2024

Keilah Hanley

Recruitment Coordinator

Keilah Hanley
Political Science
Minor: Applied Community and Environmental Sustainability
Class of 2025

Rachel Jason

Assistant Recruitment Coordinator

Rachel Jason
Early Grades Preparation
Minor: Journalism
Class of 2026

Olivia Heim

Social Coordinator

Olivia Heim
Special Education
Minor: Spanish
Class of 2026

Jayden Hartlaub

Sustainability & Wellness

Jayden Hartlaub
Minor: Communication studies, Nutrition
Class of 2026

Jessie Aniloff

PLP Co-Director

Jessie Aniloff
Early Grades Prep PreK-4
Minor: Mathematics PreK-8, Civic & Professional Leadership
Class of 2024

Lauren Kozicki

PLP Co-Director

Lauren Kozicki
Minor: Civic and Professional Leadership
Class of 2024

Danielle Cabibbo

PLP Assistant Director

Danielle Cabibbo
Middle Grades Preparation
Minor: Mathematics Pk-8, Civic and Professional Leadership
Class of 2026

KC Thoman

PLP Assistant Director

KC Thoman
English Secondary Education 
Minor: Communications and Ethnic Studies 
Class of 2026