Ram Roundup Student Newsletter

Ram Roundup with pictures of students

The Ram Roundup is a weekly newsletter sent on Mondays to all students with announcements and information about upcoming events and initiatives.

Submitting Content

WCU faculty, staff, and student organizations are invited to submit information to be included in this communication. In order to have your information included in the week’s mailing, it must be submitted no later than Monday at 9am.

To submit your request, fill out the form on RamConnect. You will be required to login to RamConnect using your WCU single sign on information.

What to include
  • A headline/title

  • Concise information about the event, program, service, or initiative

  • Applicable dates, times, and locations

  • Link to an online source where students can find more information


For questions about the Ram Roundup or to be added to the list distribution list, please contact Sabrina Rightmer.