on difference
a student-led journal focusing on issues of social justice

VOICES is a student-led, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that seeks to help social workers and socially conscious students raise their voices around issues of social justice.

All students and alumni of the BSW/MSW programs at WCU are invited to submit original work to be considered for publication in our upcoming issues.

We invite personal perspectives on issues of social justice, submitted as photography, music, art, speech, poetry, writing, audio clips, etc.

VOICES is currently looking for student and alumni leaders to support future issues of the publication.

To get involved or learn more about this opportunity, email:

Dr. Meagan Corrado, faculty advisor
Jessica L. Kohn, student editor

Find VOICES on:

YouTube & Google

VOICES Student Editor

  • Jessica L. Kohn

VOICES Alumni Editor

  • Kristen Lippolis

VOICES Faculty Advisor

  • Dr. Meagan Corrado
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